Government Polytechnic Chhachha
(Bhongaon) Mainpuri
About Government Polytechnic Chhachha (Bhongaon) Mainpuri
Government Polytechnic, Chhachha (Bhogaon) Mainpuri was established in 2013-14 by the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the classes of first batch were started from session 2013-14 in only one stream of Mechanical Engineering (Production). Later, two more streams of engineering, namely Civil Engineering and Electrical. All the courses are duly approved by Board of Technical education, Lucknow & AICTE, Delhi. Mr. S.R. Gautam was the first principal of this institute. At present, Mr. Bihari Lal is providing able guidance and leadership to the institute as principal.
Department of Technical Education U.P.

Shri Yogi Adityanath.
Hon’ble Chief Minister
Government of Uttar Pradesh

Shri Ashish Patel
Hon’ble Cabinet Minister
Technical Education Department

Shri Alok Kumar (IAS)
Principal Secretary,
Technical Education Department

Shri Annavi Dinesh Kumar
Director, Department of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh
Principal Message
It gives me great pleasure to introduce Govt. Polytechnic, Mainpuri as one of the India’s upcoming premier institute. Our institute believes in serious academic pursuit and encourages the radical and original thinking with regards to professional relevant ideas through intellectually stimulating environment. Our aim is to put in our best efforts to improve the academic ambience of the institute. The excellent faculties, conductive environment, good infrastructure and stimulating atmosphere in our campus enable students to dream and work hard to achieve their goal. I am sure that all the students of GPM would find a healthy environment for their studies and for growth of their talents and would become Excellent Engineers and Managers. I assure you that the Institute will build up its reputation with a dedicated goal of adding values to life and professional standards.
Course Offerred
Dedicated to Provide best Education to Students



Features & Facilities
Government Polytechnic, Chhachha (Bhogaon) Mainpuri is one of Uttar Pradesh leading polytechnic colleges providing quality education to students. The college runs multiple courses including Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Production). Its located in Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh.



Vision & Mission
Groom aspirants in view of rapid advancement in teaching methods and changes in technology base.
Aid the aspirants in matching the prevailing tough market scenario and make them capable to beat the cut throat competition.
To become a successful and professional institute, imparting quality education.
Provide accessible and affordable world class education.
Train the aspirants in developing them as professionals, using our technological resources and highly experienced faculty.